星期一, 十一月 29, 2010


我有一个500G的移动硬盘,eSATA/USB连接,昨天拿回家了。今天拿来上班,嫌声音大,就放在桌子底下,结果eSATA线就富裕了一块,然后俺不小心踩上了一脚。等我mount进入,赫然发现目录都变成了问号,无论如何重新mount、开关电源,硬盘通通不予理会,系统回复can't read superblock。可嚇坏了俺,俺很多新工作进展通通在这个上面,真要了命了,没有备份啊!

rsync -avz work/ account@server:~/work/

星期四, 十一月 18, 2010

Ubuntu no_pubkey

When met no_pubkey problem during apt-get update:

gpg --keyserver pgpkeys.mit.edu --recv-key  010908312D230C5F 
gpg -a --export 010908312D230C5F | sudo apt-key add -
Note, replace the key ID with you met.

New icc and iomanip problem

Create a file named /etc/profile.d/intel.sh (or whatever you like, but with .sh extension), which contains:
source /opt/intel/composerxe/bin/compilervars.sh intel64
alias icpc="icpc -std=c++0x"
This will both set up the environment and solve the problem.
This is related to Fedora 14, g++ 4.5+, and icpc 12.

星期一, 十一月 15, 2010


Daniel Gianola在这里讲了两个周的课,题目叫做“Introduction to machine learning and non-parametric techniques for genome enabled data analysis”。说实在,一来我连线性模型都还没有全部通关,二来截至目前还算是个frequencist,因此许多细节没有听懂。但是最后的几段话给我留下了最为深刻的印象:

星期四, 十一月 04, 2010





星期三, 十一月 03, 2010

Codes using MKL libraries blocked by SELinux

I upgraded my desktop to Fedora 14 today.  Then my programs written for icc can not run.
  1. programs with #include<iomanip> can't be compiled by icc, g++ is fine
    solution: copy old version of iomanip to local directory, and change code to #include"iomanip"
  2. programs are not allowed to run MKL libraries.
    solution: $chcon -t execmem_exec_t a.out
These are just some temporary solutions as I don't know the background.  Hope these problems be solved soon.

星期一, 十一月 01, 2010

Vamp: Tir N’a Noir

 Det e svart novembar, havet knuse mot strand
Ein forliste drøm fra et sommargrønt land.
Men eg huske ennå vakre Mary McKear,
Longt vest i Tir n’a Noir Va du drøm? Va du te? Va du hud? Va du blod?
Eg kan hørra deg le. Eg kan huska eg lo.
Bakom horisontar,
Så forvitra og glir
E du mi,
Mi Mary McKear.