别无知了。那时候出个国就是大师。现在多少人出国?没真才实学唬不住人。the golden age is over. Welcome to reality.on
1917年的北大,有一群教授。梁漱溟,25歲;胡適,27歲;劉半農,27歲;劉文典,27歲;林損,27歲;周作人,33歲;陳獨秀,39歲;朱希祖,39歲..... 校長是蔡元培50歲。最年輕的是畫法研究會導師徐悲鴻,23歲。這個年齡,擱現在許多人還是"啃老一族",而前輩們已經成為大師了【转】。Well said. I then followed his micro-blog and found more. The below 2 video clips he/she recommended also gave me some good feelings.
The one below gave me an illusion of Galileo. Who was blind in his late years. But he could 'see' more than most of his peers. Another illusion on the top of this one is those who has done more than most of people who live today. Like Mr. Fang, who died on April 6.
Anyhow, to be handicapped or dead is somewhat negative. If possible, one can entertain itself below. I am always respectful to those who can do a thing handsomely.
To memorize Mr. Fang, whose essays also entertained me.