星期二, 四月 24, 2012

Line wrap for Org Mode

I am now using org mode to write articles and books.  The long lines are not displayed properly, however, by default.  Emacs 23 now has new mode, which is called visual line mode.  Add the following:
(global-visual-line-mode t)
to .emacs will solve the problem.

另外,Fedora终于把拼音输入法改进了。虽然以前的双拼还算可以,但是输长句时,输一半再调整,再输入,前面的改动就全部作废。这一点非常讨厌,比Ubuntu所带的输入法差太多了。现在好多了。点ibus的图标,在输入方法框中,删除Chinese - Pinyin,安装Chinese - Intelligent Pinyin。
