# yum install gtkpod
The insert iPod, start either gtkpod from command line or from menu.
男子汉的形象总是跟刚阳健壮联系在一起,但英国专家们说,从主要疾病的发病率、死亡率、精神健康状况、承受压力的能力、饮食锻炼等健康生活方式等各方面衡量,男性都比女性差。#for i in `more file`; do yum remove $i -y; done发现中间这个script把xorg什么的都给删掉了。想停止为时已晚。这纯粹是瞎耽误时间。重新安装很简单,但是很多设置要恢复就很麻烦。以下记录了这次恢复的过程。
rsync -avz work/ account@server:~/work/数据在俺的超级计算机上基本万无一失了。以后每次回家前运行该命令。
Note, replace the key ID with you met.
gpg --keyserver pgpkeys.mit.edu --recv-key 010908312D230C5F gpg -a --export 010908312D230C5F | sudo apt-key add -
source /opt/intel/composerxe/bin/compilervars.sh intel64This will both set up the environment and solve the problem.
alias icpc="icpc -std=c++0x"
Ei-ichi Negishi, Japanese citizen. Born 1935 in Changchun, China (former Japan). Ph.D. 1963 from University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA. Herbert C. Brown Distinguished Professor of Chemistry at Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA.最先是http://www.xys.org/forum/db/7/163/215.html这里报道的,光荣属于网友JZ。我立即在新浪微薄发了一条:
新科诺贝尔奖得主的介绍:Ei-ichi Negishi, Japanese citizen. Born 1935 in Changchun, China (former Japan)...http://sinaurl.cn/h9jNMN 立此存照。明天等外交部照会。感觉要火。
xVec(int a):n(a),v(new double[n]){}is error prone, as the initialization is done randomly, the safest way is:
xVec(int a):n(a),v(new double[a]){}as variable 'a' always exist when declaring.
6月24日晚十一点左右方玄昌在下班回家途中,在北京海淀区增光路被两名职业杀手袭击。两名凶手埋伏在方玄昌走回家必经且没有录像监控的路段突袭,用钢筋对着头、背等要害部位追打了几分钟,作案手法专业,明显是有预谋的受雇行凶,一声不吭就是想打死他。幸好方玄昌练过武,身体壮,非常能打架,拼命反抗,拦了出租车逃离。头背有多处伤口,失血很多,头部伤口深见骨,到医院后休克昏迷。伤口缝合后已出院。 方玄昌现在是《财经》科技编辑,在《中国新闻周刊》担任科技部主任期间策划过一些调查报道,著名的事件包括王振国“天仙液”(2004年)、刘“太医”(2007年)、肖传国“肖氏手术”(2009年)(肖曾在网上称方玄昌是“首恶”之一)。并参加过几次反伪科学辩论,包括与“地震预测大师”、反转基因的“乌有之乡”的辩论。
钢筋袭头 《财经》杂志编辑方玄昌在回家途中遇袭
UseDNS noto /etc/ssh/sshd_config. It's a local network, so I don't worry too much of certain security.
/etc/init_d/ssh restartThe problem is now solved.
Since version 22.1.50, TRAMP has been integrated within emacs to provide remote editing facilities. Given that you have an account(set-foreground-color "white")(set-background-color "black")
on remote computer machine.domain.org
, to edit file /home/user/foo
remotely enter: This will open a connection to/ssh:user@machine.domain.org:/home/user/foo
, load file /home/user/foo
and commit changes each time you save the newly opened buffer. See the TRAMP manual for more features (other protocols than ssh, password caching, multiple hops etc.)