星期一, 二月 14, 2005


书名:Introduction to Quantitative Genetics (4th edition)

作者:D. S. Falconer & Trudy F. C. Mackay

DF: Formerly with Institute of Cell, Animal and Population Biology, University of Edinburgh
TM: Department of Genetics, North Carolina State University

Preface to the fourth edition:
Quantitative genetics is now merging with molecular genetics and this very active area of the subject needs more consideration than it was given in the previous edition. Accordingly, a new chapter has been added, on quantitative trait loci (QTLs) – the location and characterization of the genes causing quantitative variation. Chapter 20, on natural selection, has been largely rewritten, with fuller treatment of mutation and the maintenance of genetic variation; we hope these additions will make the book more useful to students of evolutionary quantitative genetics. In the earlier chapters, the treatment of polymorphism and of neutral mutation has been expanded, and some sections in the chapters on inbreeding have been shortened.
We gratefully acknowledge advice from Dr James D. Fry, Professor W. G. Hill, Dr Peter D. Keightley, Dr Mark Kirkpatrick and Dr Michael Turelli. We are indebted also to Dr Richard Lyman for producing Figures 21.3and 21.4, and to Dr Hartwig H. Geiger for pointing out an error in equation [15.8], which has now been corrected. Finally, the first author is most grateful to Professor Hill for the hospitality provided in his laboratory.
D. S. Falconer
T. F. C. Mackay
March 1995

Preface to the third edition
This book was written with the intention of providing an introductory textbook, with the emphasis on general principles rather than on practical applications. I tried to make the book useful to as wide a range of readers as possible, particularly biologists who, like myself, have no more than ordinary mathematical ability. The mathematics does not go beyond simple algebra; neither calculus nor matrix methods are used. Some knowledge of statistics, however, is assumed, particularly of the analysis of variance and of correlation and regression.
The second edition kept the same structure but was somewhat enlarged by the inclusion of developments in the intervening twenty years, and by more attention being given to plants. In consequence the book came to contain a good deal more material than is needed by those for whom the subject is part of a course on general genetics. The section headings, however, should facilitate the selection of what is relevant. My main regret then, as it is now, was the impossibility of mentioning more than a very few of the experimental studies that have illuminated the subject since the book first appeared.
The revisions made in this new edition are less extensive. The desire not to increase the length of the book has meant that many of the recent developments are noted by little more than references to the sources. The demonstration that mutation is not negligible for quantitative genetics has, however, necessitated more substantial revision of Chapter 12 and to a lesser extent Chapters 15 and 20.
The problems, which were hitherto published separately, are now put together with the text, following the chapters to which they refer. They are of varying difficulty and I hope that all students will find some that they can solve immediately and some also that will tax their ingenuity to the full. Some of the problems are based on the data and solutions of earlier ones. Students are therefore advised to keep their workings for later used; this will save the repetition of calculations. I have based the problems on real data wherever I could, to make them more interesting and realistic. In consequence, however, the arithmetic seldom works out simply, and a pocket calculator will be needed for most of them. a few of the problems have been revised for this edition. The solutions are at the end of the book, arranged in a different order from the problems so as to avoid the risk of inadvertently seeing the solution of the next problem. The solutions are not simply answers but give fairly full explanations of how the problems are solved.
Acknowledgements It is not exaggeration to say that this book could not originally have been written without the help of Professor Alan Robertson. My understanding of the subject grew from my frequent discussions with him. I owe the same debt of gratitude to Professor W. G. Hill for his guidance on the preparation of the second, and now this, edition. Without his advice many of the revisions could not have been attempted. Dr. R. C. Roberts read the manuscripts of the first and second editions and his suggestions led to many improvements being made. Dr paul M. Sharp checked the solutions of all the problems and made many valuable suggestions. I have had help also from many other colleagues who have advised me on particular matters. To all of these, and to my wife who helped me in many ways, I am deeply grateful. The mistakes and misunderstandings that remain are entirely my own. I should be grateful to be told of these.
D. S. Falconer
February 1988
Department of Genetics
West Mains Road
Edinburgh, EH9 3JN

