The code:
#include<iostream>Then I got an error message when compiling it with icpc:
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char*argv[])
const int nid(13276);
const int len(nid*nid);
double gmat[len], ginv[len], prod[len];
int iid, jid, ii;
ifstream fge("rst");
for(iid=ii=0; iid<nid; ++iid)
for(jid=0; jid<nid; ++jid)
for(iid=ii=0; iid<nid; ++iid)
for(jid=0; jid<nid; ++jid)
return 0;
test.cpp(8) (col. 1): internal error: 0_13171Commenting out any one of the two reading blocks will eliminate the error.
compilation aborted for test.cpp (code 4)
This error turned out to be a bug of an old version of Intel compiler icpc (12.0.5 20110719). Upgrade to the current version (12.1.0 20110811) will solve the problem.
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